July 2013 climate summary for Duluth, Minnesota.

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July 2013 climate summary for Duluth, Minnesota (Airport location)

Average temperature:  67.8 degrees
Normal:  65.8 degrees
Departure:  +2.0 degrees

Warmest high temperature:  94 degrees on the 18th
Warmest low temperature:  70 degrees on the 17th

Coldest high temperature:  56 degrees on the 27th
Coldest low temperature:  47 degrees on the 29th

27 days with a high temperature of at least 70 degrees
14 days with a high temperature of at least 80 degrees
3 days with a high temperature of 90 degrees

4 days with a low temperature under 50 degrees
1 day with a low temperature of 70 degrees

Total precipitation:  1.73″
Average:  3.85″
Departure:  -2.12″

Heaviest daily precipitation total:  0.38″ on the 27th

Number of days with at least 0.01″ of precipitation:  12
Number of days with at least 0.10″ of precipitation:  8

*July 2013 temperature departure map.  (Source, Midwest Regional Climate Center)

*July 2013 precipitation departure map.  (Source, Midwest Regional Climate Center)


July 2013 was tied for the 25th warmest July on record.
July 2013 was the 20th driest on record.

6 thunderstorm days.
16 days with at least a trace of precipitation.

July 2012 climate summary for Duluth, Minnesota (Airport location)

Average temperature:  71.9 degrees
Departure:  +6.1 degrees

Total precipitation:  3.09″
Departure:  -0.76″

30 days with a high temperature of at least 70 degrees
25 days with a high temperature of at least 80 degrees
3 days with a high temperature of at least 90 degrees

9 thunderstorm days
14 days with at least a trace of precipitation


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